MINICOM - Basic Usage



To install minicom on a Debian-based Linux system, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install minicom

On a Red Hat-based Linux system, use the following command:

sudo yum install minicom

Basic Usage

To start minicom, use the following command:

This will open the minicom interface, where you can interact with the connected device. To exit minicom, press CTRL-A followed by X.


Before using minicom, it is recommended to configure it for the specific device you are connecting to. This can be done by running the following command:

sudo minicom -s
This will open the minicom setup menu, where you can configure the serial port, baud rate, and other settings.


Sending a file

To send a file to the connected device, use the following command:

minicom -S /path/to/file

This will send the contents of the specified file to the connected device.

Receiving a file

To receive a file from the connected device, use the following command:

minicom -r /path/to/file

This will save the data received from the connected device to the specified file.


Minicom can also be used in scripts to automate tasks. For example, the following script sends a command to the connected device and saves the response to a file:

echo "command" > /dev/ttyS0
sleep 1
cat /dev/ttyS0 > response.txt